communities of practice - professional/corporate/government - instructional designers' community

Detailed Description:

In the relatively newly emerging Instructional Design field, there exists a common need for a central forum/knowledge base to learn, share ideas and improve knowledge through interactions amongst novices, experts, and people who share a common interest in the field. Instructional Designers in the making for instance, have a difficult time expanding on concepts they have been taught and introduced to and also lack diversity in their ideas and knowledge.

 The emphasis here is on the fact that there is no open environment whereby both novices and experts can learn and at the same time share or contribute their knowledge about the Instructional Design field.  In an effort to develop the above mentioned environment, I am proposing to develop a Web Based Community of Practice (CoP) for Instructional Designers. The community would consist of learners with a fairly high level of education (e.g. Under Graduates and higher). There exist different levels of Instructional designers but more often than not similar environments that aim to encourage interaction amongst Instructional Designers fail to include people who do not know about the field but have the desire to learn more about it. Hence, my target audience would include both novices and experts in the field of Instructional Design.

Learning Outcomes:

The learner will be able to:

    • To enable experts in Instructional Design share their experiences, knowledge and ideas in an interactive environment.
    • To enable novices learn about the field of Instructional Design from perspectives of the experts.
    • To enable both the experts and novices in Instructional Design interact and collaborate on Instructional Design issues.
    • To provide a place for Instructional Designers to brainstorm on problems that they face in their professional roles.
    • To promote the idea of having a “sense of belonging” for all Instructional designers in sharing new ideas and consequently promote and uphold the field of Instructional Design
    • To create a platform that would allow the sharing of new ideas and innovations in the Instructional design field.